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Sixth Form Admissions FAQs for Intake 2025


Q: Do the students who attend Crayford Academy already have automatic entry into the Sixth Form phase? 

A: No, all students need to apply for entry to the Sixth Form. All students who meet the entry requirement will be accepted into the Sixth Form subject to course and availability.

Q: How many places will be offered to external applicants in the Sixth Form?

A: Our Published Admissions Number (PAN) for 2025 is 210 and includes the spaces reserved for Year 13 students who currently attend Year 12 at the Academy. As stated above subject to PAN and course availability any student who meets the entry requirement will be accepted whether they are an internal student at Crayford Academy or an external applicant.

Q: I would like to apply for a place at the Academy, what do I have to do?

A: You will need to complete the Sixth Form Application Form on the website and register onto our Admissions + system.

Q: Can I change my mind about the A level/BTEC subject choices I put on the application form after I have applied?

A: Yes, at this stage we are collecting information on the subjects students are interested in studying.  Definitive subject choices will be made later in the year.

Q: Are there specific entry requirements for subjects?

A: Yes, all subjects have their own entry requirement.  You will find this information on the Sixth Form Entry Requirements document. 


Q: Is distance a criteria for entry to Sixth Form?

A: Distance to the academy is not a criteria for entry to the Sixth Form.


Q: How do you consider who to offer the medical & social needs places too?

A: The application will need to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional. “The information should demonstrate why the school is the only school able to meet your specific needs.” A medical and social committee will review the documentation and make a professional decision as to whether the school is the only school able to meet the child’s needs.


Q: Can I study both BTEC’s and A Levels at Crayford Academy?

A: Yes you are able to study a mixture of BTEC’s and A Levels.

BACK: Why Choose Crayford Sixth Form  NEXT: How to apply