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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary

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The Designated Safeguarding Team at Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy is:

Ms Kate Atwell, Vice Principal - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Neil Harrington, Safeguarding & Welfare Officer - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

PC Maria Evershed, Bexley Safer Schools Officer

Concerns should be emailed to our confidential email address: hacasafeguarding@habstrustsouth.org.uk 

Useful link to the Bexley Safeguarding Partnership for Children and Young People:  bexleysafeguardingpartnership.co.uk

As an academy, we subscribe to the SAFER BSCB recommendations, actions and outcomes:

Sustainable – we aim to develop a system for safeguarding and protection that is durable for the long term.

Accountable – we hold ourselves and our partners to account for the decisions we make and the services they provide.

Feasible – we aspire for excellence but will only promise what is achievable.

Evidenced – we will seek evidence of the effectiveness of our work and our partners’ work.

Respect – we will respect the voice of the child as central to our work and ensure a child focus in our activity.

Student Support

Support systems to improve wellbeing and personal development within our school community 

At Crayford Academy the well-being of our young people is of upmost importance. To allow them to achieve their full potential we offer a range of services internal and external (listed below) to ensure every pupil has the same opportunities to succeed when they leave our care. 

Internal Interventions 

  • School Counsellor 
  • Peer mentoring programme
  • Wellbeing programme
  • Creative Arts and Play Therapy
  • Haberdashers Manners and respect programme
  • Mindfulness within character and development 
  • Careers workshops 
  • Lunchtime gym sessions

External interventions

  • Charlton Athletic Community Trust - mentoring support
  • Bexley Moorings - Befriending services and CBT
  • Porchlight – Counselling & therapeutic support
  • Bexley Targeted Youth Services – Mentoring support
  • St Giles – Gangs and serious youth violence mentoring support
  • Family Wellbeing – Family support
  • Horizons – Refocus programme and long-term placements