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Transitioning from Sims Pay360 to ParentPay

I am delighted to inform you that from August 2023, Haberdashers' Crayford Academy will be transitioning from Pay360 to ParentPay to administer school payments for meals, clubs, school items, etc.

We understand that there have been challenges with Pay360, and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Pay360 will not be in active use after the last day of term on Friday 21 July.

ParentPay is a market leading online platform for schools to manage payments, and we are confident that ParentPay will deliver an easier and efficient experience with making payments to school.

Below you can find some useful information and a few actions you will need to take:

  • Check your child’s school meal balance on Pay360 and where possible ensure this is spent before the end of term
  • If your child is leaving Haberdashers' Crayford Academy at the end of this academic year we will organise a refund for their school meal balance which will be issued by 7th August 2023. We hope that you are able to support the school by alleviating the burden of providing a refund should the balance owing be under £1. In these circumstances we will save the administrative cost of your refund and make a collective donation to charity on your behalf.  
  • If your child is returning to Haberdashers' Crayford Academy for next academic year any balance on the Pay 360 account will automatically transfer to ParentPay. No action is required on your part at this time.
  • On receiving your new ‘ParentPay registration’ email, please activate your account in ParentPay and familiarise yourself with the platform.