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Overview of the Maths department

Mathematics is a universal language, it allows us to communicate with others and to understand, affect and develop the world around us.  Mathematics fosters reasoning and problem solving leading to mastery and logical thinking which builds well rounded and aspirational citizens of the future.

The mathematics department at Crayford comprises of highly qualified, experienced and passionate mathematicians who believe in developing every child’s reasoning, logically thinking and problem-solving skills through mathematics.

Meet the Maths teachers



About them 

Ms C Locke

Head of Mathematics 

Ms Locke joined the Academy in 2019. She has worked on textbooks for KS3 and KS4 maths and is a Chartered Teacher. Her favourite areas of maths are the irrational numbers, such as pi, phi and e.

Mr M Adu

Teacher of Mathematics (2ic)

Mr Adu joined the Academy in 2024.

Mrs K Ohiafi 

Assistant Principal - Enterprise, Teacher of Mathematics 

Mrs Ohiafi joined the Academy in 2013. She is passionate about students' progress and has a special interest in developing independent learners.

Mr Y Elmi  

Teacher of Mathematics and Innovation Leader 

Mr Elmi joined the Academy in 2019. He is always the first in the department to answer our weekly maths puzzles and loves a bit of A level maths.

Ms P Reddy

Teacher of Mathematics 

Ms Reddy joined the department in 2022. Her passion is supporting students to access algebra and to understand the maths behind the maths.

Mr T Dosunmu

Teacher of Mathematics

Mr Dosunmu joined the Academy in 2022. He is a fan of Pythagoras’ Theorem and likes to consider Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Mrs O Fadeyi

Teacher of Mathematics

Mrs Fadeyi joined the Academy in 2024.

Mr J Daisi

Teacher of Mathematics


Curriculum Statement

Through KS3 and KS4 we follow a spiral curriculum, revisiting each year the key areas of number, statistics and probability, geometry, proportional reasoning and algebra in increasing depth.

Number begins in Year 7 with looking at how place value works and develops through into Year 11 looking at complex topics such as compound interest calculations and irrational numbers such as surds.

Statistics and probability begins in Year 7 with looking at how probability works, moving on to drawing and interpreting graphs and comparing data. By the time students are in Year 11, they will be able to use a variety of graphs, from histograms to pie charts, to represent data as well as being able to use sophisticated probability diagrams such as tree diagrams.

Geometry is the study of shapes. In Year 7, students start looking at the notation conventions and angle facts. This develops through 2D and 3D shapes until by Year 11 students are looking at trigonometry in three dimensions, circle theorems and density and pressure.

Proportional reasoning is one of the backbones of the curriculum. Beginning in Year 7, students will look at how multiplication and division interlink, moving on to ratio and the relationship between fractions and ratio. By the time students reach Year 11, they will be looking at non-linear scale factors for volume and area and looking at problems involving inverse proportion.

Finally, algebraic generalisation underpins the whole curriculum. Algebra is the general form of number relations and is used to express relations between things. In Year 7, we secure and develop students’ understanding of algebraic notation from Primary school, looking through the lens of sequences. By Year 11, students will be beginning to work on proof, looking at absolute relations that underpin the mathematics they have been learning on their journey through the course.

This leads to a GCSE Mathematics qualification, completed with Edexcel. Students will study either Foundation or Higher tier at GCSE. Students on the Foundation tier will focus on the core topics that enable them to access the mathematics needed for life beyond school and can get from a grade 1 – 5. Students on the Higher tier will explore more of the academic beauty of mathematics as well as the mathematics for more academically demanding fields such as engineering and can gain from a grade 3 – 9.

Beyond GCSE, students can choose to study either A Level Mathematics (Edexcel) or AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths).

A Level Mathematics student look at topics ranging from proof to calculus to trigonometric graphs and identities. They will be able to explore the pure beauty of mathematics as well as practical applications in statistics and mechanics. This will prepare students for further study in mathematics, statistics, engineering, medicine or computer science.

AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths) looks at practical life skills using mathematics, such as how mortgages work, how taxation works and how to plan a project timeline using Gantt charts. This is particularly useful for students who are looking at going into business or who want to understand where their pay cheque is going.

View our Key Stage 3 Maths Curriculum Map

View our Key Stage 4 Maths Curriculum Map 

View our Key Stage 5 Maths A Level Curriculum Map 

View our Key Stage 5 Core Maths Curriculum Map 

More Information

More information about our curriculum can be found by looking at our curriculum overviews