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Equality and diversity

At Haberdashers’ Academies Trust South we take seriously our responsibility to build an organisation which truly values equality and fairness. This responsibility will be reflected in our policies but, most importantly, in the way we behave.

We strive to ensure that:

  • every child and young person, regardless of their background, is proud of who they are and believes that they can and will achieve great things;
  • every member of staff is supported to develop themselves and feel a true sense of belonging within the organisation and that regardless of their role, they feel included and their voice listened to;
  • every parent and carer feels that their contribution is valued and welcomed in our schools

We will do this by:

  • ensuring that all children have equal access to the curriculum and are able to achieve the best possible outcomes;
  • providing a quality learning experience for each child and young person in which all staff actively promote equality, inclusion and a celebration of diversity;
  • protecting the well-being of all pupils and staff by challenging any non-inclusive views held by anyone within the school and wider community.

Equality and fairness within and across the organisation is an ongoing priority for us. We have been working hard to develop a Statement of Intent which will feed into a wider People Strategy. This has been developed so that we are accountable for our actions, and to ensure that we develop as a Trust that is continuously fit for purpose, lives its values and delivers its objectives. We have sought stakeholder contribution widely across our organisation, in order to support the development of this work. 

Please find the full Statement of Intent here

We are proud to be who we are and proud to be Haberdashers.