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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary

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Performance Arts

Overview of the Drama & Performance Department

Drama at Haberdashers' Crayford Academy is one of the most innovative, rigorous and lively Departments in our School. Our fantastically dynamic and sharp students work collaboratively in every lesson in first-class learning and performance spaces. An education at Haberdashers Crayford Academy would not be complete without participation in one of our School Productions. This could be on stage as a performer, as a costume or make up designer, a part of our front of house or even as part of our technical lighting crew.  

We have a team of teachers who between the two of them, have a wealth of professional experience who offer their students possibly the broadest perspective of any drama department in our local area. You will experience Physical Theatre, Comedy, Shakespeare and Script to name a few genres of academic study. We have added specialist modules to the curriculum in 2020 to cater specifically to our students needs in the area in which we live. 

We have been working in partnership with the Performing Arts Conservatoire Trinity Laban for the past 3 years and enjoy trips and workshops with their industry prepared students. We also have links with Rose Bruford College and the Shakespeare for Schools Festival and enjoy regular workshops and performances provided by these Practitioners.  

Many of our alumni have gone on to pursue successful careers in theatre - as makers, teachers, or both. Some of our previous students have gone onto ‘The Brits School’, ‘London Institute of Performing Arts’ and ‘Townley Grammar’ to name but a few. Some students also go into language, communication, the forces, arts, admin, management and a host of other professional careers. 

Meet the Drama teachers

Name Role About them 
Mr D Mansell

Head of Performing Arts

As Head of Performing Arts Mr Mansell brings to Crayford Academy a wealth of experience in performing arts education and a passion for nurturing talent.

Ms A Edinboro

Teacher of Drama  / 

Assistant Principal

Ms Edinboro joined the Academy in 2018
Mrs C Hacoisman

Teacher of Music

Mr R Webb   Teacher of Drama Mr Webb joined the Academy in June 2022. He has a strong passion for Drama and Theatre, whilst having a key interest in devising and performing Stand Up Comedy.

Curriculum Statement

The Drama department at Crayford Academy aims to develop creative, confident and literate Drama practitioners through a stretching and relevant curriculum. 

Our students will leave the school having acquired knowledge of drama and theatre as an art form, giving them an ability to appreciate the arts. They will have skills in collaboration, leadership, physical and verbal communication, imaginative creativity, personal reflection and critical evaluation. They will have an attitude of curiosity, eagerness to explore and a willingness to take risks. This develops at each stage of students Drama education and within our extensive enrichment that will ultimately result in many opportunities to excel. Drama students at Crayford Haberdashers are equipped to use these attributes in Arts based careers, or deploy them flexibly, enriching their contribution to all sectors. 

Key Stage 3

At KS3 Students develop basic characterization skills and the process of creating, responding to and evaluating theatre. Students' progress through a spiral curriculum, developing their knowledge, skills and confidence in the foundations of theatre making with regular opportunities to refine and develop the foundation skills.


Key Stage 4

At KS4, students work in greater depth and independence, building on the foundation of knowledge and skills acquired at KS3.  Performance projects use a wider stylistic approach and dramatic texts are studied at greater depth. Students develop research skills to support their development. In addition, they also develop as critical thinkers through their analysis and evaluation of performance. 

View our Key Stage 4 Drama and Performance Curriculum Map 

Key Stage 5 

For KS5 students a vocational course (BTEC Acting) has been chosen as it allows students to work as a theatre company creating and responding to performance and key practitioners in depth. Students research and emulate the work of a wide range of key practitioners which developing their own approach and style as theatre makers. The students throughout their experience within Crayford's’ Drama department make progress towards the art form and are able to continue within the arts or apply their transferable skills to all career paths. 

View our Key Stage 5 Drama and Performance Curriculum Map

More Information

More information about our curriculum can be found by looking at our curriculum overviews