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Crayford Academy uses Arbor, our MIS system, to set and track pupil homework

The Arbor app/portal serves as the central hub for homework, assignments and related communications, allowing pupils to see the details of the assignments that have been set for them.

Pupils will have received an email (to their school email account) containing their login details for accessing Arbor. If your child experiences any issues accessing or using this platform, they should report these concerns to their tutor, who will provide support and assistance.

Parents will also have access to view the assignments/homework allocated to your child.

Pupils and parents are advised to login to Arbor every day to check allocated assignments and messages.

How to access Arbor: 

Crayford Academy Arbor:


Google Play (android phones): Arbor App


Apple Store (iphones): Arbor App


Arbor Support: 

Guidance for students

Student Portal and Assignments – Arbor Help Centre (arbor-education.com)

Student quick tips guide


Guidance for parents

Log into the Parent Portal and the Parent App – Arbor Help Centre (arbor-education.com)