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Child Development

Overview of the Child Development Department

 Meet the Child Development teachers

Name Role About them 
Mrs M Brader Head of Health & Social Care and Child Development  Mrs Brader is an experienced teacher of Health and Social Care and Child Development with a successful career teaching in further education and other local secondary schools.
Ms E Prior Teacher of Health & Social Care and Child Development  Miss Prior has been teaching at Crayford Academy since 2016. She has taught PE, Health and Social Care and Citizenship throughout her time here and is passionate about careers within the Health and Social Care sector.

Curriculum Statement

Key Stage 4

This qualification is for students aged 14-16 who wish to develop applied knowledge and practical skills in child development; some of which are particularly helpful for a career in the childcare sector such as observing, communicating and working with children. Students will also be given the opportunity to develop other skills which will be valuable no matter what career path they choose, for example research, communication, decision-making and problem solving.  

All students will study three mandatory topics as follows: Unit R018 Health and well-being for child development, Unit R019 Understanding the equipment and nutritional needs of children from birth to five years and Unit R020 Understanding the development norms of a child from birth to five years.  

Unit R018 will be studied as an ongoing unit throughout Year 10 and Year 11, with unit R019 intertwined during Year 10 once students have studied diet and nutrition, and R020 intertwined during Year 11 once students have studied developmental norms and conditions for development. 

Child Development is designed to fit into the KS4 curriculum and to offer the same size, rigour and performance points as GCSEs. It forms a key part of any student’s Progress 8 and Attainment 8 approved subjects.  Students will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction at either Level 1 or Level 2 at the conclusion of the course.

View our Key Stage 4 Child Development Curriculum Map 

How does Child Development prepare students for the next stage of their education or employment?

The qualification is recognised by Ofqual, DfE and by 16-19 providers as progression to A Level, Further Education or on to an apprenticeship or work. The course will provide learners with a solid understanding of children’s learning and development, that will help them to make choices about further study and career options. Some common pathways for students who choose to study Child Development are qualifications in Child Care, Health and Social Care, Psychology, Sociology and Biology. 


More Information

More information about our curriculum can be found by looking at our curriculum overviews