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Careers and Employability

Enabling our students to achieve their full potential


“Careers education is about inspiration and aspiration as much as advice.”

At Crayford Academy we believe a good quality Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme increases the aspirations and achievement of every student and supports our core vision,  “Learning Changes Lives”.


Our Careers Vision

The vision of our careers coordinator is that students will leave our school with the drive and ambition to accomplish their chosen career pathway, and that they will become ambitious, successful, caring citizens equipped with the confidence and skills capable of making decisions in any given situation.

That is why, in addition to the wealth of early support students receive each year, we offer independent careers interviews from an early age, as well as having a dedicated careers lead.

Having a careers lead within the school means that pupils have instant access to a number of careers services throughout the school day, this will ensure that our pupils are well informed and able to take advantage of the array of opportunities available to them. Our main focus being on supporting our pupils long-term careers ambitions, making use of our exceptionally trained tutors, utilising our links with external consultants and speakers from some of the UK’s largest companies. In addition to our careers lead our students follow an extensive careers program, this prepares them for making informed decisions  about their future, applications for university, apprenticeships, college or work; whichever is their chosen pathway.

The Careers provision is guided and evaluated against the Gatsby Benchmarks, which we are proud to meet each one. Career exploration, experience of industry and application support are key to enriching the post-16 offer and ensuring our students are prepared for their next stage of education, higher apprenticeships or employment.


For Further information, please contact our careers Co-ordinator, Mrs C Moyo | c.moyo@habstrustsouth.org.uk | 01322402180  

Date of Next Review of the published Information: May 2024

How can our parents/carers support our careers programme?

We recognise that parents/carers come from many different work backgrounds and can also contribute to helping our students make informed decisions. Therefore, if you are able to offer some time to deliver an occupational talkhost a stand at our annual careers fair, or are able to take a student for a work experience placement we would eagerly welcome you contacting:

Mrs C Moyo at c.moyo@habstrustsouth.org.uk.

How do we prepare students for the future?

Crayford Academy understands that all students need to prepare themselves for progression through learning and education into adulthood. We aim to prepare students for life after school by providing information on the ever-changing future occupations and progression routes to sixth form, college, university or work/apprenticeships.

We are committed to providing a varied programme of activities for all students from Year 7 to Year 13 and beyond. Various careers-related opportunities are provided via a number of different methods such as:

  • Assemblies
  • Careers focused themes each half-term
  • Careers fairs
  • Practise careers interviews
  • Career workshops
  • Trips to employers and universities (actual or virtual)
  • Visiting speakers (including virtual talks).


The academy utilises the expertise of the Crayford Academy Careers Coordinator who supports students on a regular basis. Students also have the opportunity to book a personal appointment with the Crayford Academy Careers Coordinator by emailing c.moyo@habstrustsouth.org.uk. These sessions can be 1-2-1 or completed in a group.

We offer particular support for SEND students. The aim is to provide activities and events that meet the needs of the individual students. We offer independent and impartial careers guidance to support career and option choices, raising the aspirations of individual students and equipping them with the necessary skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding.

Career and Higher Education Pathways

This guide will help you decide which subjects to pick in Sixth Form to ensure you are able to do your chosen degree course or career.

Careers/courses that are not mentioned will have no specific Sixth Form courses, though related courses will be useful.


Essential Courses

Useful (required by some, though not all




Maths or Physics, Art






Biology, Physics or Maths

Building Service Engineering

Maths or Physics





Computer Science

IT or Computer Science



Chemistry, Biology

Physics or Maths



Drama/Acting, English



Maths, Financial Studies, Economics

English Language





Physics, Chemistry, Engineering






Geography, Maths or Science






English, Criminology

Maths or Statistics





English, Computer Science



Biology, Physics or Maths



Biology, Chemistry, Health and Social Care, Applied Science






Biology, Chemistry, Applied Science, Health & Social Care


Physics, Maths



Biology, PE

Applied Science, Health and Social Care



Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths






A national curriculum subject

Veterinary Science


Biology, Physics or Maths

What do Crayford Academy Students go on to do?


Queen Mary University of London - History Russell Group 
UCL (University College London) - Biological Sciences Ranked Number 8 in the UK
Loughborough University - English with Business Studies (with placement year) Ranked Number 7 in the UK
University of Manchester - Politics and International Relations Ranked Number 11 in the UK
King's College London - Biomedical Sciences Russell Group 
University of Aberdeen - Anthropology and International Relations 



  • Anthropology and International Relations
  • Finance, Investment & Risk
  • Media and Journalism
  • Filmmaking
  • Environmental Science and the Climate Emergency (Single) with a Year in Industry
  • Law with Business with Foundation Year
  • Pharmacy
  • Fashion Design and Marketing
  • Biological Sciences
  • History
  • Physiotherapy
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Diagnostic Radiography
  • Marine and Natural History Photography
  • Zoo Biology
  • Mathematics with Economics


Careers Information, Advice and Guidance is a key part of our student offer, we provide a comprehensive and personalised programme of support throughout KS4 and KS5 to help students secure both a suitable and sustainable destination. The Careers and Employability Service supports academic learning and delivers impact through a variety of interventions such as talks, work experience, mentoring, competitions and general advice. One of the ways we can really assess impact is by looking at our destinations data.

The majority of Post 16 students at Haberdashers' Crayford Academy go on to Sixth Form, Apprenticeship or Further Education College and then University, a Gap Year, Employment or Apprenticeship. All students receive support from specialist staff, we are committed to ensuring that students transition onto suitable and sustainable destinations, our student are consistently being offered a large number of Russell Group places and on a yearly basis we see our students take up the best apprenticeships and school leaver opportunities in the country. 

We value all student destinations and we are proud of the diversity and achievements of our students, alumni and staff, in recent years our Year 13 students have secured places at a range of destinations which include:

  • Imperial College London
  • Cardiff University
  • Middlesex University
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Glasgow
  • King's College London
  • London School of Economics & Political Science
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester Newcastle University
  • University College London
  • University of Nottingham
  • Queen Mary, University of London
  • University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Warwick
  • Goldsmiths University
  • The University of Greenwich
  • UAL
  • Ravensboune University London
  • Rothshild & Co
  • TfL
  • Sky UK
  • Commerzbank AG
  • Bloomberg
  • EY
  • BAM Nuttall
  • State Street
  • KPMG
  • Barclays Bank
  • And many more


Destination data is any data which captures information regarding where school leavers have decided to enrol on from the September following their leaving date, this data shows student outcomes for KS4 and KS5, both of these were introduced by the DfE in 2010 and are:

  • End of KS4 Activity – relevant to those taking GCSE’s or equivalents.
  • End of KS5 Activity – relevant to those taking A-levels or equivalents.

There are 4 types of Destination data:

  1. Discussed– this is any destination which students discuss in a CEIAG Session.
  2. Intended – this is any destination which has been logged on the live destination database.
  3. Reported – this is any destination which has been reported internally / externally as part of a destination report or meeting.
  4. Final – this any destination which has been reported to the LA after the 31stAugust of the reporting year in question.


The Education Act 2011 and the New Careers Guidance and Inspiration in Schools Statutory Guidance released in January 2018 requires schools to:

  • Have a designated destination manager – The Careers Leader, is responsible for transition advice, support and tracking as well as ensuring that all students are well placed to make informed decisions about their future and secure both a suitable and a sustainable destination.
  • Report Intended / Final Data to the Local Authority – The Careers Leader submits the data to Bexley in June and late August by data upload.

We have had incredible success at KS4 and 5 and we are really proud of all of our students and Destination data is incredibly important as it reflects the impact that we have on our students.  Destinations are a great measure as they are not just focused on academic success and are instead a much wider measure than the final grades as they take into account a variety of worthwhile destinations which include A-level study, vocational study, employment, apprenticeship and further education study.

Recommended Resources for Students, Parents & Carers

Career Exploration

Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service

UK labour market: September 2021 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Buzz quiz - icould

Applying to University - learn about everything involved (ucas.com)

 University Resources & Tools

Compare the Best University Degrees Courses UK | Whatuni

Student sign in | UCAS

Advice For Parents And Guardians | UCAS | Parent Guide To University

Opendays.com - university and college open days - home page

 Apprenticeship Resources & Tools


Not Going To Uni: Apprenticeships & Work Experience in the UK

A parent’s guide to apprenticeships - Youth Employment UK

LMI Labour Market Information

What Is LMI And What Types Of LMI Are There?

LMI stands for Labour Market Information. In short, it refers to any relevant information about the current state of the jobs market.

LMI can include information like:

  • The industries and businesses that operate in a certain location.
  • The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
  • How many of those jobs there are.
  • The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.
  • Commute and travel to work patterns.
  • Typical rates of pay.
  • Career progression opportunities.


How To Research LMI

If you’re struggling to know where to start, don’t panic! We’ve compiled some resources to help you.

Prospects.ac.uk is a career website aimed at recent graduates and current undergraduate students. If you’ve ever wondered, “what on earth can I do with my degree?” Prospects is the site for you. Take the quiz or use the Career Planner to start working out where you want to go.

LMI For All is a comprehensive portal that collates various sources of LMI to provide high-quality data.

ICould uses data from LMI For All as well as real-life personal stories from young people. It has thousands of resources including videos and a calendar of careers events across the UK.

The National Careers Service offers over 800 job profiles on its website. Under each profile you’ll learn about the average salary, working hours, typical duties, and routes into the profession.

 Information for Careers Education

Year Programme: Year 7

Year 7

• Careers in Action -Year 7 Assembly

• Exploration of work-related themes through Career Exploration Trips, the assembly

programme and through tutor time

• STEM trips led by the Science Department

• Work on understanding transition points throughout school life

• Lower-School Careers Fair in Main Hall

• EY 7 Employability Day, Canary Wharf

Year Programme: Year 8

Year 8

• Careers in Action Year 8 Assembly

• STEM trips led by the Science Department

• Exploration of work-related themes through career exploration trips, the assembly programme

and through tutor time

• Lower -School Careers Fair in Main Hall

• Skills London Careers Fair

Year Programme: Year 9

Year 9

• Careers in Action - Year 9 Assembly

• Exploration of work-related themes through career exploration trips, the assembly programme and

through tutor time.

• STEM trips led by Science Department

• Presentation from Career Guidance Practitioner on what will happen with GCSE choices, decision making and future planning

• The school Career Guidance Practitioner is available to provide information, advice and guidance

through face-to-face meetings and through the e-guidance service with pupils and parents in Year 9

• Introduction to GCSE Options through PSHE programme

There is also an Option Fair devoted to making choices for GCSE's and future careers.

• Small focus groups and individual appointments for those still concerned about their choice

Year Programme: Year 10

Year 10

• Careers in Action- Year 10 Assembly

• Exploration of work-related themes through career exploration trips, curriculum subjects, the

assembly programme and through tutor time

• The school Career Guidance Practitioner is available to provide information, advice and guidance

through face-to-face meeting and through the e-guidance service with pupils and parents in Year 10

Year Programme: Year 11

Year 11

• Careers in Action- Year 11 Assembly

• Understanding Apprenticeships -Year 11 Assembly

• STEM trips led by Science Department

• Upper School Careers Fair in Main Hall

• Upper School Moving on Fair in Main Hall

• Skills London Careers Fair at ExCel London

• Promotion of Apprenticeship Insight Events, Sixth Form and College Open Days throughout the

academic year

• Moving on Interviews for all Year 11 pupils with our Career Guidance Practitioner

• Group sessions devoted to making choices for Sixth Form

• Exploration of the Post-16 Landscape through PSHE and through tutor time

• Application Support Sessions for students who are applying to Further Education Colleges.

• All year 11 students will have the opportunity to participate in Experiential Learning including NCS

the Challenge, Work Experience and University Insight Days.

• Impartial Information Advice and Guidance Interviews for Vulnerable/SEN/EAL students.

Year Programme: Year 12

Year 12

• Careers in Action Year 12 Assembly

• Understanding Apprenticeships Year 12 Assembly

• Exploration of work-related themes through career exploration trips and the assembly programme

and through Tutor Time

• STEM trips & lectures led by Science Department

• Skills London Careers Fair at ExCel London

• UCAS Convention London

• Promotion of Apprenticeship Insight Events, University Taster Days, University Open Days and Gap

Year Experiences throughout the academic year.

• Transition Planning Interviews for all Year 12 pupils with our Career Guidance Practitioner

Specialist support to students involved in the HE, Apprenticeships and Initial Entry as prepare for

applications and admissions tests/interviews.

• Year 12 Work Experience & Volunteering

• All year 12 students will have the opportunity to participate in Experiential Learning including NCS

the Challenge, Work Experience and University Insight Days.

• Career Professional is available to provide information, advice and guidance through face to face

meeting and through the e-guidance service with pupils and parents in Year 12.

• Impartial Information Advice and Guidance Interviews for Vulnerable/SEN/EAL students.

Year Programme: Year 13

Year 13

• Careers in Action Year 13 Assembly

• Understanding Apprenticeships Year 13 Assembly

• Exploration of work-related themes through career exploration trips and the assembly programme

and through Tutor Time

• STEM trips & lectures led by Science Department

• Upper-School Careers Fair in Main Hall

• Promotion of Apprenticeship Insight Events, University Taster Days, University Open Days and Gap

Year Experiences throughout the academic year.

• Priority Moving interviews for students requiring immediate support with regards to UCAS

deadline and post-18 decision-making.

• Specialist support to students involved in the HE, Apprenticeships and Initial Entry as prepare for

applications and admissions tests/interviews.

• Planned group session for students looking to enter employment at post-18.

• Career Professional is available to provide information, advice and guidance through face to face

meeting and through the e-guidance service with pupils and parents in Year 13.

• Career Professional will be available on results day to support students with post-18 planning and

UCAS clearing.


  • Careers Policy 

/docs/Crayford Academy_Policycompleted.pd

  •  Bakers Clause 