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Business Studies, IT & Computing

Overview of the Department

Welcome to the Enterprise department which consists of a team of four highly qualified, innovative, passionate, and creative teachers of Business studies, financial studies, Economics, Computer Science, and ICT (Information Communication Technology) who aim to instil into our students both our interest in and enjoyment of the subjects we offer as well as increase their awareness and understanding of the topics and issues covered. 

Meet the Teachers

Name Role About them 
Mrs O. Enebeli  Head of Computing & IT

Mrs Enebeli joined the Academy in 2015 as a teacher. In 2024 she was made Head of Department. Mrs Enebeli is passionate about learning and loves to travel. 

Ms I Mash

Teacher of Computing & IT


Mr R Tanoh

Teacher of Computing & IT


Ms C. Edwards

Head of Business Studies


Ms N Ahuama

Teacher of Business Studies


Curriculum Statement

The Enterprise Department comprises of five curriculum choices – Edexcel GCSE Business Studies, OCR GCSE Computer Science, Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Information Technologies, Level 3 Cambridge Technical Foundation Diploma in IT (Information Technologies), Level 3 LIBF (London Institute for Business and Finance) Certificate and Diploma in Financial Studies. 

Curriculum Design 

Collaborative, detailed and thorough curriculum planning lies at the heart of what we do in the department. We are committed to a two-year plan of developing our schemes of work. We use all available resources and teaching strategies to ensure that students have a comprehensive knowledge of the specifications and are capable of going beyond what is taught in lessons. Techniques to help develop long-term memory and help students master subject content are embedded in the curriculum. These are focussed on embedding challenge, metacognition, memory techniques, numeracy and literacy into our departmental curriculum. 

Throughout the schemes of learning, we give students opportunities to;  

  • become confident in business and economic concepts
  • analyse and evaluate enterprise ideas
  • problem solve and make informed decisions
  • develop enterprise skills such as pitching, presenting and independence.

The curriculum across the department is underpinned by real life contexts and work-related scenarios to make certain students see the relevance to the outside world and become well rounded citizens. 


Coverage, impact and appropriateness

Our Business studies curriculum goes beyond exam board specification, it helps our students not only achieve excellent results but   think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen in class activities, presentations and enrichment projects, in addition to external enrichment.  Teaching will provide opportunities to develop confident students with high expectations who can be creative, resilient and be skilled for the globalised workplace. Business studies, Finance and Economics allow students to develop an excellent variety of skills to achieve lifelong learning. 


Collaborative, detailed and thorough curriculum planning lies at the heart of what we do in the department. We are committed to a three-year plan of developing our schemes of work. We use all available resources and teaching strategies to ensure that students have a comprehensive knowledge of the specifications and are capable of going beyond what is taught in lessons. Techniques to help develop long-term memory and help students master subject content are embedded in the curriculum. These are focussed on embedding challenge, metacognition, memory techniques, numeracy and literacy into our departmental curriculum. 

To complement the schemes of work students also engage in Economics and Business studies through arranging student revision conferences with senior examiners and other experienced practitioners. These activities allow students to gain valuable insight into the subject and the demands of the examination.

In Economics and Business studies we also implement our curriculum through using a variety of teaching strategies and kinaesthetic tasks as well as more traditional skills practice. All staff in the department make full use of the Google applications for education and all students use this to access the departmental resources both in lessons and remotely. 

Key Stage 4

At Crayford Academy, students have the option after Key Stage 3 to choose and study Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Business Studies. The curriculum   is enhanced with programmes from industry to introduce students to the dynamic world of business. It covers a broad range of topics that are designed to provide each individual with the knowledge and understanding that underpins modern businesses, as well as providing students with transferable skills for the future. 

View our Key Stage 4 Business Studies Curriculum Map 

Key Stage 5

At KS5, Students have the option to study Financial studies (Certificate in Financial Studies (CeFS in year 12 and Diploma in Financial Studies -DipFS) Information Technology (Introductory Diploma) and Business Studies Extended Certificate (OCR). As a department, we work collaboratively with the colleagues in Federation in sharing good resources and good practice drawing on a large pool of talents. 

Certificate and Diploma in Financial studies teaches students about the financial services industry and how to apply the appropriate solutions available within the evolving financial services marketplace. The qualification will enable learners to make informed and confident decisions regarding their personal finances. It will help learners to become responsible borrowers and sensible savers, and to have an appreciation of the need for financial planning throughout their life. In the second year we look at the wider implications of finances on our own sustainability and the sustainability of the financial services industry as a whole. 

The aim of the department is to develop the very best Finance and Business studies students by adding value to our students in knowledge and skills.  

Our KS5 Business Studies curriculum is to develop students’ understanding of how the local / national /global Businesses work through analysing issues, problems and institutions that affect everyday life. The aim of the Business studies curriculum is to equip students with the appropriate knowledge and skills needed to develop their employability and identify business problems and opportunities. 

We do this by quality first teaching which ensures students understand underlying Finance and Business theory which students apply to a variety of familiar and unfamiliar case studies. We want our students to be able to think analytically, reach logical conclusions based on data, and make judgements on future changes to markets and the economy. 

Our curriculum at Crayford goes far beyond what is taught in lessons, for whilst we want students to achieve the very best examination results possible, we believe our curriculum goes beyond what is examinable. 

Our Finance and Business studies supports the ethos statement of the Haberdasher’s Crayford Academy, Students are constantly challenged to work collaboratively and think independently when engaging in all lessons and class debates. Through teacher modelling, we encourage our students to demonstrate manners, respect and tolerance in Finance, IT and Business studies lessons. This allows students to express themselves in a confident manner. Lesson materials are engaging to promote topical discussion and encourage students to independent learning.  

View our Key Stage 5 Business Studies Curriculum Map

More Information

More information about our curriculum can be found by looking at our curriculum overviews