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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary

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Pupils should aim for a consistently high attendance rate; the target is a minimum of 97% for all pupils over the course of the academic year.


Attendance Counts, Moments Matter  

You can support your child’s physical, social and mental wellbeing by ensuring they are in school every day. We know that parents and carers worry about their children’s mental health. Rather than keeping your child off school, let us know about your concerns. We can then work together on supporting your child.  

It can be difficult to know whether your child is too ill to attend school. NHS guidance is clear that it’s fine to send them in with a minor cough or common cold, provided they don’t have a temperature. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/  

School attendance is important for equipping your child with skills for life.  

Attending school every day can help your child to achieve their aspirations, and the aspirations you have for them.  

We know that coming to school every day makes all the difference. That's why we are striving for 97% attendance in all our schools.  

If your child is absent, please ring the school absence line 01322 402180 option 1 before 9:30am on each day of absence, followed by a letter to the class teacher/form tutor when the pupil returns, or email crayfordabsence@habstrustsouth.org.uk  

Please do not email individual staff about student absence. 




Medical Appointments 

Medical or dental appointments should not be made during school hours, including Enrichment times, unless this is absolutely unavoidable. An appointment card or note should be presented to the class teacher/form tutor beforehand if this is the case.


A child who is late will be expected to attend a Late Detention . Parents will be informed by text and it is therefore important that the school has the most up to date mobile numbers.

Pupil Illness During School Hours

Any pupil who feels ill during School hours must report to their site office. Pupils may not go home without permission from their Hub Lead Assistant Principal or another member of Crayford Leadership Team (CLT), and under normal circumstances pupils will not be allowed home unaccompanied.

Holidays in Term Time

Holidays are not allowed during term-time, as this is disruptive to both the pupil and to the group, especially where coursework is concerned.

The Government has made it clear that schools should not authorise any leave of absence during term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances.  We reserve the right to refer specific unauthorised absences to our Education Welfare Service, who may deem it appropriate to issue a fixed penalty notice.

DFE Penalty Notice Poster July 2024

Requesting Authorised Leave  

Only exceptional circumstances warrant a leave of absence. Applications for authorised leave will be considered individually, taking into account the specific facts and circumstances and relevant background context behind the request.

If a parent/carer wants to request an authorised leave of absence for their child, they should seek permission well in advance of the anticipated date/s. The parent/carer should complete the 'Student Leave of Absence' request form (linked below), giving full reasons for their request, and submit it to Mrs Lockey by emailing crayfordabsence@habstrustsouth.org.uk along with any evidence (e.g. letter/appointment card). 

Student Leave of Absence Application Form

A written response from the school will be given within 10 school days. 

Mrs S Lockey, Attendance Officer, 01322 402 180  option 1