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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary

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Parent Information for New Secondary Admission

This booklet contains important information about the Academy and will help you to ensure your  child is ready for secondary school. 


Parent Information Booklet Intake 2024/2025

Parent Information Booklet Intake 2025/2026


Asthma Card or Allergy

Please print and complete the following form(s) if your child suffers with Asthma or an Allergy, the following forms can be found here:

Asthma Card

Allergy Action PlanAllergy Action Plan EpiPen

Allergy Action Plan Jext

Please complete in full:

Email to: crayfordacademy@habstrustsouth.org.uk  

Or post to: Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy, Iron Mill Lane, Crayford, Kent, DA1 4RS

Uniform Grants

From June, for eligible students, we will be issuing vouchers for your preference of our three uniform outfitters. This allows us to respond quickly to requests, even over the summer holidays.

We are seeing that more and more families that are eligible for the grant. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please click the link:

FREE School Meals and Uniform Grants