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Admissions Oversubscription Criteria

The Admission Criteria


Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy offers the National Curriculum to all pupils. When the secondary school is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan (EHC) where the academy has been named in the statement/EHC, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in priority order: -


  1. a) A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order. A ‘looked after child’ includes those children who appear (to the admissions authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.


  1. b) Pupils who are on the roll of Haberdashers’ Crayford Primary and Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary, which are designated feeder schools for Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy.


  1. c) Pupils for whom it is essential to be admitted to the secondary school because of special circumstances to do with significant medical or social needs. The application will need to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional. “The information should demonstrate why the academy is the only school able to meet the child’s specific needs”.


  1. d) Pupils who on the date of application will have a sibling (i.e. a natural brother or sister, or a half brother or sister, or a legally adopted brother or sister or half-brother or sister, or step brother or sister who will be living with them at the same address) who is on the roll of the academy. Pupils will be considered under this criterion if they have a sibling who meets the above definition and who will continue to be on roll when the pupil joins the academy. Proof of the sibling relationship will be required if a place is offered.


  1. e) Pupils who on the date of application will have a parent (i.e. a natural Father or Mother, or a legally adopted Father or Mother, or step Father or Mother or award of legal guardianship who will be living with them at the same address) who is employed by the academy. Pupils will be considered under this criterion if they have a parent / guardian who meets the above definition and who will continue to be employed when the pupil joins the academy. Proof of the relationship may be required if a place is offered.


  1. f) The remaining places will be offered to pupils who live nearest to Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy on the basis of proximity. Home to academy distance will be measured as the direct line distance between the pupil`s home post code and the academy’s post code. This will be calculated using https://www.freemaptools.com/distance-between-uk-postcodes.htm. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, such as a block of flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically. Proof of residency will be required if a place offered.

All decisions made will be reviewed by a panel of governors and their decision recorded and held on file. If false or misleading information is used to gain entry to the academy, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.


 Tie Break


  1. a) If there are more siblings than there are places available, the places will be offered to the siblings living nearest to the academy (clause f).


  1. b) In the event of a tie break under the distance criterion, random allocation will be used.